Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The one with the happy dance

School starts in 11 days. Insert picture of me going all Lord of the Dance and you'll have an idea of how happy I am that this is finally happening. Working from home is a blessing, I am not complaining. I just feel that our upstairs neighbors will benefit from the lack of yelling, crying and plain old dramatics of this summer. Granted a good portion of this list was done by me (hee hee) but you know what I'm saying!

I am meeting with EJ's teacher next week. I'm praying it's a better year for him this year. Far too many details to go into, but he and I and his kindergarten teacher didn't really, er, click. And he deserves to have someone who believes in him. I am not the kind of mother who feels their child does no wrong nor am I the kind of parent who lets the school raise their children. And I feel that when a parent reaches out to a teacher to come up with a game plan for a child/student then that teacher better bring it because that is supposed to be a winning combination. Argh... feeling that old mama tiger coming out. Ahhh, anyway, new year, new beginning!

I am off to watch the finale of So You Think You Can Dance and finish MS' satchel!

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