Sunday, September 23, 2007

Are you ready for some football?

It's Sunday night and I'm watching some Bears vs. Cowboys (why, oh why, are the Cowboys going to be 3 & 0???) Can ya tell I'm from DC?? LOL

Anyhow. I am remaining faithful to little Jonathon's blanket. Taking it out during football practices and cheerleading bonanza's. The little man will be snuggly warm there in Southern California soon. I'd say I'm 40% finished. It's cute and I'm happy. Then it's on to complete my KAL socks and then I'm going to start a couple of hats and gloves for the kiddies. I've found a couple of cute things on the wonderful Ravelry (I. AM. SO. ADDICTED.)

I'm really enjoying the groove I've got going on with this knitting thing. I've even inspired a couple of cheer moms to start up their habit as well, a very cool thing for a fairly new knitter. When do I get to stop considering myself new? There are so many things I want to learn in this knifty little kraft, I will probably always consider myself a novice. But I'm happy with the fact that I'm staying fearless, I look at something and if it looks pretty and something I think someone would like, I'm game! The habit itself is very theraputic (well, maybe not the whole begging the kids for 5 more minutes of not fighting, but every other part... oh, except when I find a mistake... and when I lose my needle... well, most of it is theraputic).

Well, tomorrow is the start of a new week and I need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed to tackle it, so off to bed for me. I am anxiously awaiting an offer letter to full-time with the company I've been contracting for. Maybe tomorrow...

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