Saturday, September 15, 2007

Got my invite, got my invite!

Yeah baby. Got my invite and have sunk into the addiction that is Ravelry. It is super fun, incredibly easy to navigate and so damn hard to walk away from. I'm supposed to take pictures of projects and stash and such, but I have been so entertained looking at other peoples projects, all the different groups (I frantically joined 26, it was just so much fun!) and all the pretty, pretty yarn. I got myself hooked up with being able to pictures on this computer, now I just need to do it!

Since my last post, I finally finished MS' satchel, started and finished a shrug for my daughter, cast on a purse for my niece and frogged my LYS socks a couple of times. I've settled on toe-up, two at a time, magic loop monkeys for them. So far I've got both toe increases completed and I'm ready to start the pattern. I got the pattern from Jennifer O'Sullivan's website, the pattern is called Los Monos Locos (The Crazy Monkeys). Super cute. We'll see if I make it past the whole gusset thing, I am notorious for that not being a sure thing.

Big day tomorrow in cheerleading world. And it's going to be an all day event, with little man's game, then little lady's half time show for all teams. At least it is supposed to be beautiful. I love the fall!

Until next time! :)

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