Thursday, October 18, 2007

Settling In...

I have been thinking about you, oh blog of my life. But my part time job went full time this month and it's been a bit busy! I am in no way complaining. I am so blessed to have this position and I am thrilled that they liked me enough to want to bring me on board full time. God is Good... All the Time! Yes sir!

On the knitting side of thangs, my Mom sent me some pictures of completed projects, her lap blanket I made for her birthday and my sister's bag. I am seriously thinking of hiring my mother to take all pictures of my finished projects. I'm mean, she added candle and pumpkin realism! I'm going to add a clear vinyl (like shower curtain from the dollar store) to the inside of the bag. The learning process never ends! ;)

Jonathan (and no I don't know why I can't spell that name to save my life!) got his blanket on Monday. Very exciting stuff. Now I just need to slyly suggest that I should have a picture or two...

Teacher converences were this week. Aside from both of my babies being complete genious, they are also well rounded and "a pleasure to have in class". That phrase cracks me up, it's a staple and I've heard it from just about every teacher since I was in grade school! But they both are really doing well, the phrase I did like hearing was that they are both self-motivated learners. Above grade level in reading and math. It's just amazing what a year can make. My little man had a rough kindergarten, but he enjoys going to school now. Happy happy, Joy joy!

So, I will probably touch base again in what, another week and a half? LOL

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