Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fiber Festival

The kids, my Mom and I hit the road yesterday out to Berryville, VA for the Shenandoah Fiber Festival. I have never been to a fiber dedicated type thing, so it was something I was really looking forward to.

The kids learned how to weave on a loom (daughter is sporting an Odessa):

I bought a Rakestraw Spinner and spun my first yarn:

And got some yarn and roving from some friendly llamas and alpacas:

The festival was a ton of fun. It was small and I liked that because I was able to talk to just about every vendor there (except the ones I just didn't understand... why were there jewelry vendors there?!?!). It was so educational and interesting. I'd like to hit a few more small ones before I do something crazy like go to Stitches East or Sheep and Wool. Those are gi-freaking-normous!!

Anyway, it was a great day and now I'm off to finish watching my Skins get spanked by the Pats... ugly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They did get spanked...didn't they?
My boys are Pats fans...we moved here from MA.

Jane (the golfer)